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Manufactured in: United States

Coral Lecithin

Coral Lecithin (91650)

Contains: 120 Capsules


"Coral Lecithin" is a new product of high quality, which is manufactured under the own brand of Coral Club. It is one of the universal dietary supplements necessary for health promotion.

In 1811, a French pharmacist reported for the first time on fatty preparations from brain matter containing organic bound phosphorus. At the turn of the 19th century, Nicolas-Theodor Goblev prepared a sticky, orange substance from yolk, which contained oleic, maragrin and glycerol phosphoric acid as well as nitrogenous organic bases. He also found comparable substances in brain matter, carp roe, blood, bile and other organs. In 1850, he named his discovery lecithin after the Greek word lekithos (egg yolk).

Scientist Felix Hoppe-Seyler, the founder of biochemistry and molecular biology, eventually found organically bound phosphorus in plant seeds. In 1899, chemists E. Schulze and E. Steiger isolated a phospholipid from plant seeds, also known as lecithin. According to their findings, soybeans and lupines had the highest lecithin content of the examined plant seeds, in the amount of 1.5 - 2.5%.

Johanes Ludwig Wilhelm Thuichum (1829-1901), the founder of brain chemistry (now neurochemistry), found an analogous compound and named it cephalin according to the Greek word kephalos (head) and was able to separate sphingomvelin. And so the research went on to the present day, when it was possible to promote lecithin worldwide as an excipient and additive. The application diversity of lecithin in the field of food, feed and technology was based on them on a broad basis. The pioneering work on the use of lecithin in dietetics was performed by Dr. Buer, who launched the first lecithin preparation called "Buer-Lecithin" this year. Furthermore, a number of important pharmaceutical preparations were developed, which can still be found in the offer of pharmacies. Research and application technology is not over yet. Currently, for example, seaweed lecithin is used in liposomes in the food industry and phospholipids in aquatic crops.

At that time, about 180,000 tons of lecithin are obtained per year, mainly from soybeans - (2% lecithin content), which are mostly harvested in the USA, Brazil and Argentina. In addition to soybeans, rapeseed and sunflower can also be counted as basic sources, albeit in smaller volumes. The relatively low amounts of lecithin from the yolks thus end up mainly in pharmacy, medicine and cosmetics.

Lecithin is a fatty substance. Chemically, these are phosphatides containing glycerophosphoric acid, fatty acids and choline. Lecithin is a building block of the cell walls and membranes of all cells in the human body. Its sufficiency supports the basic functions of cells. It is most important for tissues with intensive metabolism, such as the brain and heart. Lecithin is also called "brain food". Protects and nourishes brain cells. Its other important role is in the process of fat metabolism, because it ensures their "solubility" in water. This ensures not only resorption in the intestine, but also their increased excretion by the action of cholesterol. It helps maintain normal blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Lecithin supports the activity of the heart and blood vessels and the body's overall defenses. Lecithin should be part of the diet of all people, but especially the elderly.

• healthy blood vessels
• mental health
• heart
• cholesterol
• reduced fat storage
• metabolism

Coral Lecithin is a new, high-quality product manufactured under the Coral Club brand. It is one of the most versatile dietary supplements necessary to promote health.


Lecithin is the basis of all cell membranes of the human body. It is essential for the body as a building material for the reconstruction and "repair" of damaged cells.


The excellent properties of the product are due to the action of lecithin itself, as well as the action of its components - choline and inositol.


Choline - is a key component of the chemical acetylcholine, a compound that has an irreplaceable place in the activity of the nervous system and muscles. Its deficiency in the brain is associated, among other things, with manifestations of the so-called Alzheimer's disease (presenile dementia). Adequate choline intake improves memory functions, promotes concentration and concentration. Soothes sleep, reduces irritability, moodiness and improves resistance to stress.


Inositol - is classified together with choline among fat burners (lipotropic substances). It supports the burning of fats and helps reduce body weight by releasing them from the liver and adipose tissue. It also has a positive effect on hair quality and slows down hair loss, reduces the incidence of eczema and has soothing effects on the skin.


Lecithin - is a natural substance belonging to the group of so-called glycerol phosphatides, complex fats that are a natural part of the cell wall. Compared to other fats, it differs in the content of substances choline and inositol, which are classified as components of the extended complex of B vitamins. These substances give lecithin extraordinary properties, which make it one of the important compounds of metabolism in the human body.


Coral Lecithin main effects:

  • It has a beneficial effect on memory, ability to concentrate and other brain functions.

  • Supports the body's defenses.

  • Helps protect the liver from increased fat storage.

  • Helps protect against cardiovascular disease.

  • It helps maintain the right level of cholesterol and fat in the body.

  • It has a positive effect on the quality of the skin and reduces hair loss.

  • It slows down the aging process.


Due to its emulsifying ability, lecithin has the effect of reducing fat parts in the bloodstream, thus keeping the blood clean and preventing atherosclerosis. It contains essential fatty acids and significantly lowers blood cholesterol levels. Lecithin helps to transport fats in the body and to dissolve unhealthy fat and cholesterol deposits.


Lecithin is often referred to as "food for the brain". It is involved in mental and nervous processes. The main component of lecithin, hcolin, is converted in the body to acetylcholine, a substance that transmits nerve impulses. Acetylcholine deficiency increases with age. This may explain why lecithin is particularly beneficial for older people.

Lecithin supplementation has improved the condition of patients with neurological disorders such as tardive dyskinesia, Parskinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, and presenile dementia, which is manifested by loss of short-term memory, poor concentration, and short range of attention.


Lecithin makes up 73% of the volume of fat in the liver. Helps protect against fat degeneration, cirrhosis and liver tumors. It accelerates the conversion of fats into energy, the settled fat begins to gradually disappear. Athletes and bodybuilders appreciate lecithin for its ability to remove fat from unwanted areas. Lecithin reduces excess estrogen levels in women (this is manifested by the stubbornness of fat cells to store fat, especially on the hips, buttocks and thighs).


To protect double-bonded fatty acids from oxidation, it is advisable to combine the use of Lecithin with natural antioxidants.

Lecithin helps to treat skin diseases (eg psoriasis).

Lecithin deficiency causes exhaustion and diseases of the nervous system, impaired absorption of vitamins A, D, E and K, provokes the formation of gallstones, impaired memory and leads to a state of chronic fatigue.

Suitable for celiacs, diabetics and vegetarians.


* - Dietary supplement. Food intended for particular nutritional uses.


Ingredients: Soy lecithin liquid 1200 mg. Excipients: gelatin, water, glycerin.


Dosage: 1-3 capsules daily with food


Warning: Individual intolerance to the individual components of the product, pregnant and lactating women should consult their doctor. A dietary supplement does not replace a balanced and varied diet.


Manufacturer: Bio International, Inc. for Coral Club International, Inc., Toronto, Ontario, Canada.


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