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Manufactured in: United States


Griffonia (91848)

Contains: 60 Capsules


Griffonia - a product that is necessary for the optimization of the central and peripheral nervous system. The tropical plant griffonium and B vitamins act synergistically, have a beneficial effect on brain functions, sleep rhythm, help eliminate depression and mood drop, reduce the feeling of anxiety, depression.


Griffonia - an exotic plant native to West and Central Africa. The most valuable on the plant are its seeds, because they contain the natural substance 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP). This amino acid is the source of one of the most important neurotransmitters of serotonin. 5-HTP molecules easily penetrate brain cells, turning into serotonin. Research has shown that 5-HTP is fully equivalent in effect to synthetic antidepressants. The substance, together with vitamin B6, increases the synthesis of endorphins, which are responsible for positive emotions, helps to improve mood and restore all phases of healthy sleep - falling asleep, fast and slow sleep. In European countries, the substance has been used for many years to combat depression and to improve memory. 5-HTP also suppresses the activity of the hunger control center in the brain, especially reducing appetite containing carbohydrates. In addition, this amino acid effectively helps to cope with premenstrual symptoms (PMS): it reduces the feeling of tightness, depression, restlessness, irritability, tension, emotional insecurity that arise in the last week of the cycle.


Due to its synthesis in the synthesis of the most important neurotransmitters, vitamin B12, vitamin B6 has an irreplaceable role in ensuring the normal functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system. A number of studies have confirmed that vitamin B6 is effective in depression: it is responsible for the absorption of amino acids (tryptophan, cysteine, methionine), which are irreplaceable for the brain, and for the production of the antipsychotic hormones serotin and norepinephrine. The need for this vitamin increases with the use of antidepressants and oral contraceptives, during stress and increased emotional stress.


Vitamin B12. A whole range of emotional and cognitive possibilities depend on maintaining the optimal level of this vitamin in the body. It is directly involved in the synthesis of melatonin, helping to prevent depression, dementia and confusion, helping to overcome insomnia and adapt to changes in sleep and wakefulness. Vitamin B12 deficiency can lead to peripheral nervous system diseases, optic nerve atrophy, and degenerative changes in bone marrow and spinal cord cells.



a product that is necessary for the optimization of the central and peripheral nervous system. It effectively helps to cope with depression and sleep disorders.



  • The product has beneficial effects on brain function

  • Normalizes sleep rhythm

  • Reduces feelings of anxiety and depression

  • It alleviates the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome and neurosis of various origins.

  • Helps cope with the symptoms of PMS.


All components act synergistically and thus provide effective support to the nervous system.

Griffonium and vitamin B6 increase the synthesis of endorphins, which are responsible for positive emotions and promote a better mood.

Vitamin B12, is involved in the synthesis of melatonin, which helps to adapt to changes in sleep and wakefulness. Helps prevent depression, confusion and dementia.


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