Program 2 Colo-Vada Plus - an effective comprehensive program that helps cleanse the body and regenerate a healthy indoor environment.
The program is divided into 14 days and includes three consecutive phases, thanks to which you have the opportunity to get the maximum healing effect.
14-day program of deep cleansing of the organism
The Colo-Vada Plus program is currently the most effective comprehensive system for cleansing the whole organism for each adult.
Due to comprehensive cleaning:
you can restore the functioning of the liver, kidneys and mucous membranes
improve skin condition
improve the activity of the gastrointestinal tract,
maintain beneficial intestinal microflora,
support the functioning of the cardiovascular system
you can get in shape
reduce the number and course of allergic reactions
normalize the balance of vitamins and minerals
provide the body with useful substances and at the same time minimize discomfort
will help you increase vitality
If, for example, you are planning a pregnancy, then Colo-Vada Plus can be a product for you that will help you create a clean internal environment.
Colo-Vada Plus program, helps:
cleanse the body of toxins
cleanse the skin, reduce the likelihood of allergic reactions
stimulate intestinal peristalsis
normalize the microflora of the digestive tract and the process of digestion
strengthen the body and have an antioxidant effect
If you want to:
get your body in shape
improve skin condition
if you have an unbalanced diet
have bad habits
are under constant stress or are often in stressful situations
So your body needs help.
The solution is the Colo-Vada Plus program, an effective program for deep cleansing of the body, which is calculated for 14 days and has three stages that are in full compliance with the normal functions of the body.
This system was created by Canadian scientist Albert Zerr - a doctor of nutriciology from Canada, a sixth-generation herbalist who has been engaged in scientific activities for 30 years to develop a natural, simple and safe system for cleansing the body - the Colo-Vada Plus program. He has supported this program for many years, convincingly proving its effectiveness and security.
The cleaning system is very simple and suitable for use. It is intended for everyone who wants to cleanse their body in everyday life, without the use of devices, technical means, hospitals and chemicals.
The principle of this cleansing does not affect the normal physiological work rhythm of the digestive tract. You do not have to go to the sanatorium to go through the cleansing program. The program is intended for home use, without observation by a physician.
The Colo-Vada Plus deep cleansing program is a simple but useful way to establish a healthy internal environment in the body by removing impurities from the digestive tract of the large intestine and the whole organism.
Program 2 Colo-Vada Plus can be used for complex cleansing of the body (diet, fasting, etc.), which recommends the correct sequence and rules of intake of certain types of food, which are suitable for optimizing the cleansing process and maintaining vitamin and mineral balance.
The program lasts 14 days and has three stages, which allows you to maximize the efficiency of cleansing, improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract, maintain a beneficial intestinal microflora, normalize the vitamin and mineral balance in diets, provide beneficial elements and minimize discomfort.
Preparation – 7 days
The aim of this stage is to prepare the organism for cleansing. There is a basic removal of toxic substances, stimulation of intestinal peristalsis, cleansing of parasites and protozoa (nematodes and lambliums), restoration of the microflora, replenishment of vitamins and minerals, antioxidant protection, softening of food residues that have been stored for a long time.
For the first stage of the program, there are 14 packages of set number 1. Each package contains Ultimate, Mega Acidophilus, Vitamin C, Alfalfa, Cascara Sagrada, Herbal Mixture Number 2 and Black Walnut Leaves.
Cleaning – 4 days
Purification with the help of a unique sorbent known for centuries. During this period, it is recommended to omit food altogether, or in the extreme, to use only fruit and vegetable purees. A balanced support system reduces the feeling of hunger and ensures the body is supplied with all the necessary substances. The components of the cleansing mixture absorb toxic substances and restore the intestinal mucosa.
For the second stage of the program, there are 8 packages of set number 2 and 16 packages of "Colo-Vada Mix" powder. Each package contains Ultimate, Mega Acidophilus, Vitamin C, Alfalfa, Cascara Sagrada, Herbal Mixture No. 2 and Black Walnut Leaves.
Regeneration – 3 days
Restoration and establishment of digestive function at a new quality level. Beneficial bacteria inhabit the cleaned villi, enzymes restore the digestive process, which is especially important at the end of cleansing. Vitamins and minerals supply the body with energy. Herbs have anti-inflammatory effects and help to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
For the third stage of the program, there are 6 packages of set number 3 and contain Ultimate, Mega acidophilus, Vitamin C, Alfalfa, Cascara Sagrada and DigestAble.
Activity of active substances:
Cascara Sagrada is a laxative, removes impurities, forms soft non-irritating stools and ensures its regularity.
Black Walnut Leaves have anti-nematode and antibacterial effects, suppress the viability of many species of nematodes, and prevent fermentation and putrefaction processes in the intestines.
Ultimate is a balanced source of vitamins and minerals. It compensates for the lack of beneficial elements and optimizes metabolism.
Alfalfa is a source of plant protein, vitamins, minerals, phytoestrogens and other bioactive substances. It has strengthening effects, binds cholesterol and prevents the possibility of various anaemias.
In the second stage, the basic element is the Colo-Vada Mix powder. It is a source of fiber, which swells in contact with water or juice to cleanse the intestines. The powder contains kaolin, which has coating and absorbent effects: it binds a large amount of stagnant intestinal contents and allows the processed and softened food mass to be easily removed from the body. Kaolin absorbs 40 times more toxic elements than its weight.
Herbal Mixture Number 2 has detoxifying, anti-inflammatory and antiparasitic effects. The complex of plant substances actively stimulates the excretory and motor function of the gastrointestinal tract, helps to improve the work of the liver, ensures detoxification of the body and reduces the number of inflammatory processes.
The last stage is marked by the regeneration of normal activity of the gastrointestinal tract and intestinal microflora. The complex of natural probiotic cultures (bifido- and lactobacteria) contained in the product Mega Acidophilus helps to regenerate the intestinal flora, participates in the synthesis of vitamins, improves digestion and absorption of nutrients and regulates intestinal peristalsis. DigestAble supplements the deficiency of digestive enzymes and normalizes the activity of the digestive system.
To ensure the normal functioning of the digestive system, it is recommended to repeat the program twice a year. In case of larger problems and the need to eliminate them quickly, the program can be implemented up to 4 times a year.
Before using Colo-Vada, it is recommended to drink Coral-Mine coral water for at least 14 days, depending on the state of health to soften deposits and deacidification, and to use it during the 14-day cleansing itself.
Also recommended for the cleansing treatment:
H500 - strong antioxidants - increase energy, help flush out toxic substances (prevents headaches and other possible minor detoxification symptoms)
Papaya - in case of feeling less energy or the need to take something in your mouth - these are sweet tablets with a large amount of digestive enzymes (not necessary)
Possibility to buy individual phases separately (for example, someone is extending the second phase)
"The best diagnostic and healing technology of regenerative medicine"
President Leonid Lapp
For the development and implementation of the product "PROGRAM 2 COLO-VADA PLUS" for the cleansing of the body from toxins and slag.